lučka ažman momirski










Project type:





Municipality of Arco

Valle del Sarca, IT

2000 ha


Lučka Ažman Momirski

Gašper Kociper, Roni Kolar, Rok Triller, Rok Vrenko






corridor of the river sarca

valle del sarca, italy 2005

Patterns of vegetation (field patterns) in Arco are very prominent. Edges, margins and transition zones between vegetation types are particulary interesting, not only because they are very obvious, but also due to the dynamics at these interfaces. The strength of definition of the edges, margins and transition zones supports the design of new mosaic landscapes, which become coherant. Patterns form diagrams used as guides in proposing a new urban development around the river. Basic geometry is a consequence of the strongest structure defined by the controled landscape, which is a result of the agricultural use and is unique for the area of Arco. Urban desing matrix for the proposed new city part is composed out of transversal and longitudinal stripes creating the innovative and original pattern for the area. Arco valley is determined by extremely strong contrast between hills and plain; the river Sarco is a corridor of a soft form in the plain. The relationship between the river Sarco and its riparian area can be explained in four key relationships: river and the city, river and agricultural landscape, river and industrial landscape, river and urban landscape. Public gardens around the river in the city create a continuity between urban landscapes and the open rural landscapes beyond. The new industial landscape next to the river displays regenerative power of nature over industrial landscapes that once brutally interfered into the natural landscape. Agricultural landscapes provide for a wide range of active and passive recreational activities, which are planned to meet the need of the local community as well as the tourism.