lučka ažman momirski















Project type:







City of Frankfurt am Main

Niederrad am Main, Frankfurt, Germany

72 ha


Marco Venturi, Lučka Ažman Momirski, Urban Thelen,  Laura Zampieri, Paolo Ceccon

Tomaž Berčič, Miha Bukovec, Arturo Imperato Rasulo, Elisa Petriccioli, Giulia Sperandio, Jan Žiher, Nac Žuber

Competition, final selection



master plan niederrad am main

niederrad am main, frankfurt, germany 2010

The main objective was to achieve the greatest degree of transformations with a minimum of interventions, re-using the existing as far as possible while giving it new functions and meanings in a new context. The aim is to offer a rapid link with the centre. The road network is made more fluid with the addition of two roundabouts. The different functions are emphasized by the plantation of different trees. The design of new buildings is based on the typologies lacking on the market: for singles, the elderly, bed sits for hospital employees and families of in-patients. Substantial renewal of the residential patrimony will be a spontaneous result of the valorisation of the area. Around the foot of the towers a paved area is protected by the re-use of the existing paths that lead to the car parks, covering them with sound-absorbing green, used as playground and free time area; on the south side the roads allow the consolidation of the residential side with terraced houses.Considerable attention has been paid to ensure the continuity of the green areas. Tongues of ground go up a ramp, crossing the road like a bridge, creating a ‘natural’ path from the urban parks to the strip with free time equipment along the river. The woody areas highlight the different functions and the original use of the area and its division into lots rather than distort it. An arrangement with consecutive strips is also proposed for the river area: Natural river park, reviving the tradition of pontoons; equipped river park, organised as follows: Sports park, in particular the unifying building of the clubs,; Free time park, with the use of the island and the buildings at the end; Cherry park for the strip in which the extended form of the lots is to be respected.